domingo, 15 de janeiro de 2012


O que abaixo se segue, em itálico, são comentários feitos pelos leitores do jornal Público a propósito das descidas de notação dadas pela agência S&P, que se me afiguram ser bastante paradigmáticas das reacções face à medida tomada.

No site da S&P pode ler-se: "As such, we believe that a reform process based on a pillar of fiscal austerity alone risks becoming self-defeating, as domestic demand falls in line with consumers’ rising concerns about job security and disposable incomes, eroding national tax revenues."

"...Just one day ago, European shares and the euro rose on positive comments on the region's outlook from the European Central Bank and the news of a successful Spain's bond auction. Meanwhile, ten-year bond spread of debt-ridden countries over that of German has also narrowed overtime, a key measure of investors confidence. As crisis is showing tentative signs of receding, the S&P's overwhelming downgrade has once again weighed on the market and dented investors' confidence. Having an estimated 95 percent of the global market for credit rating, the three ratings agencies - Moody's, S&P and Fitch Rating, played a pivot part in providing assessment of the ability of countries and companies to pay their debts. For this reason, it is of great importance for them to be objective…

“Até admito que sejamos um daqueles países lixeiros ou mesmo trash como eles agora nos tratam.... mas nunca ninguém nos explicou porque razão estes crânios classificavam a Lemann Brothers com AAA quando rebentou…”


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